As my age gets bigger, I realized that life gets simpler. You know what u want and go for it. You know what you don't want and ignore it. Living in an unfair world where power and favoritism leads to promotion, I realized that it is not important to always win. Whats important is doing your best without regrets and be victorious without stepping others' rights. The world that seems to be simple is now floating on materials. Medals, trophies, tokens and recognitions will fade and soon forgotten. The best best thing to do is to enjoy life and share the experiences to the next generation. I would like to quote Ecclesiastes 2:18 "Suddenly I realized that others would someday get everything I had worked for so hard, then I started hating it all." v.21 " When we use or wisdom, knowledge and skill to get what we own, why do we leave have to leave it to someone who didnt work for it? This is senseless and wrong. v.24."The best thing we can do is to enjoy eating, drinking and working. I believe these are God's gifts to us."
I also realized that people arent really interested in our lives. The number of likes and comments, they are like comets passing by without leaving any marks.So why announce everything to catch everyone's attention? No one can really help if you are in this place eating this or doing that anyway. Its better to keep silent and enjoy life than to shout your privacy and win others' appreciation. We truly dont know if their appreciation is done honestly anyway. Friends come and friends go. Who stays with you are the ones deserving to be called friends. I dont have any grudges to the modern world I live in, I am just expressing my realizations.